Literacy Development. 

>October 2024
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“MITRA  Foundation” is a Non-profit Company established to work for the people who are in physical and spiritual, needs in Nepal. The concept of this Foundation created to provide the equal opportunity for the marginalized women for their equal rights and improved their livelihood by providing the skills for their sustainable lives. The marginalized women and girls can play a significant role in the society! 


Empower is a verb that means to give qualities or abilities. Empower means "give power or authority." Empowering women to participate fully in economic life across all sectors is essential to build stronger economies, achieve nationally agreed goals for development and sustainability, and improve the quality of life for women, men, families and communities. Abstracting in the transfer context features of a previous situation where new skills and knowledge were learned. Positive Transfer: Transfer of learning or training is said to be positive when the learning or training carried out in one situation proves helpful to learning in another situation.
The situation of the children in most of the parts of Nepal is not good. Thousands of children are not going to school as they have not got the opportunity due to various reasons. When we educate children and believe in them, we empower those kids to go after their dreams. “When we educate the children, we educate the future leaders.”
We need your regular prayer support for our Mission “To be the agents of hope and wholeness, serving Nepalese poor people through Christ-centered community and development.”

Thank you
Gobinda Neupane
President, Mitra Foundation

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